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Insurance professionals who cater to companies and individuals in the science and technology sector should look to these cities.
Accidents can happen anywhere, anytime, and the circumstances sometimes fall outside the realm of traditional insurance policies.
Drivers are statistically most likely to get a speeding ticket in South Carolina, Iowa and Virginia.
Today is National Heatstroke Prevention Day. Here are tips for keeping kids, pets and workers safe during extreme heat.
Here are top vehicle safety features to look for along with the automakers that get high marks for tech-related consumer satisfaction.
While some carriers worry about marijuana's legal status, others are concerned about their competitors getting ahead.
Allstate's annual America's Best Drivers Report ranks the 200 largest U.S. cities by collision frequency based on claims data.
Improved ship design, technology, tighter regulation and improved safety management helped curtail 2018 shipping losses.
Roughly one in five travelers experience jewelry loss or theft during an adventure away from home.
Airline challenges such as mechanical issues or security concerns reportedly won't put a damper on summer travel this year.